Journey from TLG Alumni to Executive Volunteers

Meet Naomi Clements and Madison Forrester

~ 6 minutes

Some volunteer tutors in Allanson - Naomi, back row, second from the left and Madison back row, fourth from the left

Volunteers on the student executive team are responsible for the behind-the-scenes magic that makes Teach Learn Grow (TLG) such an impactful organisation in rural and remote schools. Two of our fantastic executive volunteers, Naomi Clements and Madison Forrester, have seen TLG from both sides – as students and as leaders.

TLG has shaped their journeys from primary school, and both are now studying education at university. I’ve had the pleasure of working with both of them on a Rural Program in Allanson!

Naomi: From Kondinin Kid to Coordinator

Naomi presenting a certificate to one of her students in Allanson

Naomi grew up in Kondinin, a small rural town, before moving to Perth when she was 10 years old. Her passion for education was ignited by her primary school teacher, Mrs Boxall. Naomi shares that “she was a great role model to me as a child, and I looked up to her and still do even after all these years. She had such a positive impact on me growing up, and I hope I can be the role model for someone else in the future.”

A recommendation from a friend led Naomi to rediscover TLG, the organisation that had tutored her as a child. She recalls, “I knew first-hand that this organisation has such a positive impact on the students they tutor,” and she immediately applied to join the team as a tutor.

Naomi’s first experience on the Rural Program in Allanson was a mix of fun and challenge. She fondly remembers transforming a student’s hatred for maths into excitement.

“By the end of the week, she was going home and coming up with maths games to play together the next day…this really warmed my heart as it showed me that what we do really does make a difference.”

After her first Rural Program to Allanson, Naomi applied for a role on the Student Executive Team. For Naomi’s second Rural Program, she was able to return to Kondinin Primary School as a Coordinator. Returning to her childhood school was surreal for Naomi.

Naomi with her Kondinin Rural Program group, and two Kondinin Primary School students.

“There was a student who told me that she wants to join TLG when she is older after seeing that I came from this school and was able to go on and do bigger things, which was a really special interaction for me.”

As a coordinator, Naomi notes that “I found that I actually ended up making connections with many more of the students than just the ones I would have tutored if I did not coordinate, as well as having a stronger relationship with the staff and community.”

Naomi’s journey with TLG has boosted her professional and personal growth. She says, “my confidence in teaching has grown significantly, and I have found so many new ways to make my future classrooms a much more fun and inclusive environment.” Naomi hopes to continue her involvement with TLG and eventually teach in a remote or rural town.

Naomi advises education students considering TLG: “It is so worth it as not only do you get to have such cool and unique experiences, but also better your teaching skills and confidence in teaching.” She cherishes moments like inspiring a student to love maths and motivating another to join TLG, highlighting the tangible impact of their efforts.

Madi: A Journey of Community and Connection

Madi tutoring her student with games

Madi’s childhood involved moving across various rural towns in Western Australia, from Geraldton to Esperance. She found strength in these experiences and developed a passion for education through her big family of six and her love for helping others. “I also have a passion to continue introducing myself to new places all around Australia and hopefully one day overseas, making a career in mathematics education – one of the most universal languages,” she explains.

Madi’s decision to join TLG was sparked by friends who had previously participated in the Rural Programs. She realised TLG was the same organisation that tutored her at Morawa District High School, making the decision a ‘no-brainer’.

“I had no second thoughts towards this with the hope that I could be as influential on a student’s learning as my TLG tutors had been for me.”

Madi’s first experience in Allanson was unforgettable. She recalls, “The second we got on the bus to start heading down, the nerves cleared, and I became very excited for the week ahead of me.” Highlights included talent shows, impromptu dance circles, and creating maths games featuring students’ favourite movie characters.

Madi then joined the Community Engagement team within the Student Executive, and stepped up as the Community Engagement Manager. Leading the Community Engagement team gave Madi insight into the extensive behind-the-scenes work that makes TLG successful. She found deep appreciation for TLG’s impact by hearing other executive members’ experiences and understanding the importance of teamwork.

Madi has been involved in initiatives like planning Bunning's sausage sizzles and securing a Grill’d Local Matters donation jar. Grill’d in Victoria Park currently has a Local Matters donation jar for Teach Learn Grow for July 2024.

Madi believes that TLG’s Rural Program significantly engages rural and remote students, making them feel seen and understood. She highlights the joy of reconnecting with students who fondly remember their TLG tutors.

“Having a program like Teach Learn Grow come out becomes a really exciting and valuable experience as a student.”

Madi’s involvement with TLG has appreciably enhanced her professional and personal development. She recommends rural teaching to all student teachers, noting “I guarantee from this you will learn just as much, if not more, from the kids in that one week than they do from you.” Madi aspires to teach in rural and remote schools, possibly even internationally, and hopes to continue her journey with TLG.

“To anyone who is even remotely considering joining TLG, I say to absolutely go for it in order to create some of the best and most memorable experiences.”

Shared Experiences

Summer 2023 Allanson tutors at Wellington Dam. Naomi and Madi are on the bottom right.

Naomi and Madi’s shared experience in Allanson strengthened their bond and collaboration within TLG. Madi says, “I immediately felt drawn to Naomi … this played a huge role in our collaboration on the program and was something we reflected on.” This shared understanding of their rural backgrounds deepened their connection.

“Even if you come from the smallest and most isolated little town, you are always a part of a much bigger community.”

As a TLG volunteer not currently studying education, I’ve learned so much from Naomi and Madi during our time in Allanson and on the executive team. Their passion and dedication were truly inspiring, and I am incredibly grateful for their help and guidance. This experience underscored for me that tutors don’t necessarily need an educational background to make a significant impact.

Naomi and Madi envision a future where TLG will continue growing to reach more remote and rural schools. Naomi hopes TLG will educate more people about the effects of socioeconomic factors on students, while Madi is excited to see TLG expand its program throughout Australia. Teach Learn Grow currently operates in Western Australia and New South Wales.

Both believe in TLG’s adaptability and continuous improvement. Madi emphasises the importance of data collection in making impactful changes, while Naomi underscores the need to spread TLG’s message and values.

Naomi and Madi showcase the transformative power of Teach Learn Grow. Their journey from rural students to executive team members highlights the profound impact TLG has on both its tutors and the students they serve. As TLG continues to expand and inspire, it’s clear that the organisation’s mission is in capable and passionate hands.

Join the TLG Student Executive

If you’re passionate about making a difference and want to be part of a dynamic team dedicated to educational equity, consider joining our executive team. Whether you have a background in education or not, your skills and enthusiasm can help us continue to grow and support rural and remote students across Western Australia and beyond. Get involved today and be part of something truly impactful.

The Student Executive Team recruits twice a year - in June and November - so if you think this opportunity sounds right up your alley, join our mailing list, follow us on socials and make sure to apply in our next recruitment round. Find out more about the Student Executive Team here.

Applications to become a Program Volunteer with TLG are always open, apply now for the 2024 Summer Rural program.

Or support TLG by heading to Grill’d in Victoria Park during July, and vote for TLG in the Local Matters donation jar!

Written by Brayden Hsu (Marketing Officer)


Mid-Year Wrap-Up and Achievements


Returning to Remote WA